Wednesday, December 21, 2005


5 PM weather report at Calgary airport from Environment Canada:

9 degrees celsius. Wednesday night low to be -1 celsius.

From the Weather Network:

9 degrees celsius. Wednesday eve 5 degrees. Wednesday overnight + 1 degree celsius.

Remember, it is December 21st. Winter starts today.

Ottawa, its big pile of snow from last week, and whatever temperature I arrive to around midnight on Friday the 23rd... risks being shocking. But I will be toting my big industrial Northern pipeline NOMEX parka, with the fur zippered off the giant hood, so I will be okay. And amusing people with the size of the parka!

New shout outs: none.

Paul Martin definitely is not supportive of the separatists continuing to be elected in Quebec nor of a referendum process as a goal. What the heck is Harper drinking.

Actually I do have a shout out: Helene Scherrer, for speaking a hard truth around Quebec city. Good luck to you as a candidate again.


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