Saturday, December 02, 2006

Ignatieff update

Ignatieff campaign circulating a compilation of public polling to voting candidates. Supposedly all the polls throughout the year say Ignatieff has the best chance against Stephen Harper.

I disagree. The Liberal Party of Canada is the best chance against Stephen Harper.

I also don't think circulating a bunch of non-election hypothetical polls outside of the Liberal voters at this convention matter much at all.

That seems to me to be another mistake. This is about the emotions of the most committed Liberal Party of Canada delegates, who are voting today. Inside a Liberal convention Hall.

CBC just reported that Martin Cauchon is about to endorse Ignatieff. I have a lot of respect for Martin Cauchon. I will respect this decision, too.

However, here are names that have moved to Dion in the last little while:

Ken Dryden
Martha Hall Findlay
Maurizio Bevilacqua
John Godfrey
Ralph Goodale

(and more)...

Now adding: Richard Mahoney

So, hopefully final results in about 1.5 hours.

Here is hopeing as well that a decisive victor emerges and that the Party can unite.

Let all Liberals get ready to fight Harper together!


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